Monday, November 12, 2007

The Possibility Of Seeing My Beloved Cold-Blooded Tony Again Has Got Me JAZZED.

Yes, you read it right!

There have been rumors lately about a possible Sopranos movie!

I know the Soprano-fanos were heavy-hearted when the last episode of this hour-long gripping HBO drama approached like an F5, and as we sat down on the couch with our family, or whoever we watched the show with regularly, we were wondering if Tony was to get whacked, or if he was to do some more of his infamous and deliciously cold-blooded whacking. Well, we watched, we gasped, we pondered...and then it got down the last few minutes of the episode and Tony was still alive and his family was as well!

So, we follow the suspicious men that walked into the diner with our eyes, daring them in our silence to kill our Tony! And they go to a scene of Meadow having some trouble parking, and then we realized, that there was a possibility someone was going to whack Meadow! NO!

Just when our suspense builds to point of combustion, and Meadow's car is parked, she walks up to the diner door and...

Yeah...thats what we said!

"It may be that in two or three or four years I could be sitting around and get an idea for a really great ’Sopranos’ movie,” David Chase told The New York Times in a joint interview with James Gandolfini, star of the HBO series. “I don’t think that will happen. But if one morning somebody woke up and said this would make a really good, concise, contained ’Sopranos’ story, I wouldn’t rule that out.”

Well, you owe it to us David Chase...all the seasons of the Sopranos we've stood by you and all you left us with was a broken Direct TV box when we banged after assuming it cut off on us!

Oh how painful to relive.

With love,


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