Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My Inspiration...

Every now and then I have to do a refresher on my overall outlook on what's beautiful to me and what I love as far as fashion and lifestyle goes...I do alot to try and refresh.

I try to listen to up and coming music artists in lots of different genres, and I look at up and coming designers, local style, style from overseas, different random movies, and I look at photography...as well as old magazines I have collected.

All of this helps me, because I store up all these things in the creative side of my brain for style inspiration, blog inspiration, novel inspiration, and different things like that.

So I decided to post random music, and pictures and things that I am excited about...whether its old, or recent...I love to find and share with people the various things that inspire me to write more in my blog and write more in my novel that I am working on and take pictures and sketch and just overall enrich my life.


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Galliano for Bazaar

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M.I.A.'s best story ever...

(I don't watch the video...I rock out to the song)

Well, thats all for right now loves...I have some serious work to do...but believe me...as long as there's music words and pictures in the world...I'll have inspiration.

Loveyah like a coldsore.


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