Sunday, February 10, 2008

And The Winner For Hip-Hop Album of 2007 Is...

Kanye West!

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Kanye came up, accepted his speech, *looking dapper as always* and when his speech began to run on a little long they cued the music.

He then replied with a quick comment, but kept going with no hard feelings, until he began to speak on the death of his mother, thanking fans for their support. They continued to play the music, he then spat, "It would be in good taste to cut the music off now." Fans cheered him on lovingly, full of support.

Here's a clip of the Grammy's major mis-step:

How disrespectful to play the music through him talking about his deceased mother! Very class-less. Great job 2008 Grammy's...great job.

On the plus side, Kanye's performance was one of the best of the night. This man is brilliant. He performed "Stronger" and "Hey Mama."

Kanye for President!


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