Sunday, January 13, 2008

What A Lovely Morning...

Salutations all!

Sorry I couldn't do any posts yesterday, I went to get my extensions done...and my head was and STILL IS...THROBBING and POUNDING. Its very beautiful...but more painful than anything I have ever experienced on my head...she inflicted some sort of torture on my scalp.

But...she did a great job.

Like two nights ago, I ordered 4 pairs of flats from Old when they arrive...I will take pictures! They are absolutely adorable...

I was supposed to go see my little cousin's indoor soccer championship game but my hair appointment ran a bit late, so I couldn't make it.

SORRY little guy...♥ you!

I saw No Country For Old Men yesterday with my father...IT WAS BRILLIANT.

Well...I've gotta go get ready to go to church...and then tonight I am going to a large family dinner at Outback in celebration of my daddy's birthday...YAY!

Happy 789th dad! Haha.

I don't know what I am going to wear...but since I just recently got finished making over my shouldn't be too hard to find something...

I'm off...

Love you a little.


PS: You know I wouldn't leave you without a little image for your trouble!
An old mag cover...with the B on it.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh! post pictures of your hair! and have fun at the b-day party!