Saturday, January 12, 2008

"What do I wear in bed? Why, Chanel No. 5, of course."

Yes...that's a quote from my biggest fashion icon...Marilyn Monroe.

I thought I'd share some of her quotes and pictures with you hopes that they will serve as stylish, and soulful inspiration.

"There's only one sort of natural blonde on earth -- albinos."

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"I'm very definately a woman and I enjoy it."

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"People had a habit of looking at me as if I were some kind of mirror instead of a person. They didn't see me, they saw their own lewd thoughts, then they white-masked themselves by calling me the lewd one."

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"People respect you because they feel you've survived hard times and endured, and although you've become famous, you haven't become phony."

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Beauty...talent...success...tortured spirit...



Noel said...

I love Marilyn Monroe too! My mommy and I used to watch her movies all the time on rainy days, haha.

Andy said...

she's incredibly wonderful. i love her so much !! of course she's one of the most famous fashion icon in the world! she was the perfect woman :)